Posts Tagged: java

Named Parameters in Java

Java doesn’t natively support named parameters, but we can easily have something like: Named parameters are very handy when we start having methods with a lot of parameters and we want to allow invoking the method with an arbitrary subset

Named Parameters in Java

Java doesn’t natively support named parameters, but we can easily have something like: Named parameters are very handy when we start having methods with a lot of parameters and we want to allow invoking the method with an arbitrary subset

Further Disappointments with Google AppEngine

AppEngine came out a few years ago as an excellent idea from Google to abstract away the server and provide a JVM that would essentially run on the cloud. My last review was back in June 22 2009

Further Disappointments with Google AppEngine

AppEngine came out a few years ago as an excellent idea from Google to abstract away the server and provide a JVM that would essentially run on the cloud. My last review was back in June 22 2009

Ateji PX

I recently came across this technology called Ateji PX. Fundamentally it’s Java extended with some parallel constructs. It is really easy to learn and provides a much cleaner programming paradigm than explicit thread creation. The concept is pretty simple. You can

Ateji PX

I recently came across this technology called Ateji PX. Fundamentally it’s Java extended with some parallel constructs. It is really easy to learn and provides a much cleaner programming paradigm than explicit thread creation. The concept is pretty simple. You can

Google AppEngine Disappointment

I was eager to try out Google’s AppEngine for Java, but I was soon disappointed to find out that the AppEngine is just a partial implementation of the Java APIs.

Google AppEngine Disappointment

I was eager to try out Google’s AppEngine for Java, but I was soon disappointed to find out that the AppEngine is just a partial implementation of the Java APIs.

Webapp stacks comparison

Ever wondered what is the best technology stack for building web applications? I’m sure you have. Last week my company went on a workshop, during which we tried to answer that question. I wrote a requirements specification for a simple

Webapp stacks comparison

Ever wondered what is the best technology stack for building web applications? I’m sure you have. Last week my company went on a workshop, during which we tried to answer that question. I wrote a requirements specification for a simple

foreach in Java

Here’s a cool but unfortunately useless example of java generics, combined with reflection, combined with dynamic proxies.

foreach in Java

Here’s a cool but unfortunately useless example of java generics, combined with reflection, combined with dynamic proxies.

Eclipse Action with Generics

I wrote this code a couple of weeks ago. It’s a nice idea on how to use generics in order to reduce the pain of using the Eclipse API.

Eclipse Action with Generics

I wrote this code a couple of weeks ago. It’s a nice idea on how to use generics in order to reduce the pain of using the Eclipse API.

Concurrency with fork/join in JDK 7

A few days ago, Brian Goetz came to visit a colleague of mine in our offices and I had the opportunity to hear some of the new concurrency features coming in JDK 7. We talked about the fork/join framework and

Concurrency with fork/join in JDK 7

A few days ago, Brian Goetz came to visit a colleague of mine in our offices and I had the opportunity to hear some of the new concurrency features coming in JDK 7. We talked about the fork/join framework and